Love Never Ends

To my Family and Friends,

I hope you are well and staying healthy.

With my Bat Mitzvah approaching, I wanted to reach out about a cause that has personal meaning to my family and me.

It has been four years since Alexa Weiss, family friend to us and special friend to so many in this community, passed away after strongly battling pediatric brain cancer. Following her passing, my brother, Zach, and friend, Dylan Katz, organized a basketball fundraiser in Alexa’s memory in honor of their Bar Mitzvahs.

Alexa’s birthday is coming up along with my becoming a Bat Mitzvah. In memory of Alexa,and in continuation of my family’s dedication to honoring her memory, I’m hoping you will join me in donating to a cause that is close to the Weiss family’s heart.

Alexa, like me, was a huge lover of overnight summer camp. We believe she would have wanted to share all the good things about overnight camp with a child who would financially be unable to attend camp without our help.

This year, I have chosen Camp Ojibwa to be the recipient of donations received in honor of my Bat Mitzvah and in Alexa’s memory. Alexa’s brother Noah, and my brother, Zach, have always had a deep love for all things Ojibwa. Alexa and I shared a lot of time together as part of the “little sisters club,” watching as our older brothers participated in camp and sports. Then, as we got older, we were able to join in the fun. I can think of no better way of upholding Alexa’s words that “Love Never Ends” than by dedicating my Bat Mitzvah to her.

Please consider joining me in sending a child to camp this year in Alexa’s memory.

I appreciate all of the love you can give.

Noa Chalmers

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