Some of our campers’ favorite activities during the summer are our team events. These great experiences, where campers of all ages come together for a common goal, create unbreakable bonds and memories. We host two team events in the first session, Trojan and Spartan, and Ojibwa Olympics. The penultimate event of the summer is Collegiate Week.

Collegiate Week “The Week”
A week long event that spans across almost 100 activity periods where teams compete to win the most prestigious championship of all. Winning Collegiate Week is an accomplishment that everyone strives for, and few are lucky enough to achieve. Head Coaches are selected by tenure at Ojibwa, and they select a University as their team for The Week. Assistant Coaches are selected by the Head Coaches and must be a Junior Counselor. We conduct a live first round draft in front of the entire camp where the captains of each team are selected. The coaches and captains go off-site to host a draft where, privately, every camper is selected to one of the teams. The results of the draft are confidential and not released so no campers, outside of the first round picks, know where they were selected.

After the teams are formed, the activities begin. Each team will field a Senior Varsity (SV), Junior Varsity (JV), and Prep division to play against another University’s same division. Teams will play each other in Basketball, Flag Football, Floor Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, Softball, Archery, Shuffleboard, as well as Team Events like tug-of-war, ping pong, three pointers, horseshoes, box hockey, and field hockey. In addition to all of the sporting activities, each University is required to participate in Song Night where teams will sing the fight song and alma matter of their school. In addition, each team will put on a play in Stunt Night to earn points for their teams. We host a Track and Swim meet to help earn points for your team, and finally, the Collegiate Week Obstacle Course, the final activity period.

When all is said and done, there is only 1 trophy awarded, but everyone walks away a winner for the memories and friendships they have created throughout The Week. The victorious team gets the “Week Bench” painted in their school’s colors

Ojibwa Olympics
Rounding out the end of the first session, the Ojibwa Olympics is a focused and fun three plus days of international competition. Camp is drafted into different countries where you are on a team of 18 campers of all ages. Teams are coached by staff members and the first round picks are the captains of each country. For activities, teams are broken up into Senior Varsity (SV), Junior Varsity (JV), and Prep and are assigned an activity where you play against another country to win points for your team. Events vary by SV, JV, and Prep but include all our land sports. The Olympics end in a team obstacle course, which often determines the victorious country.

Trojan vs Spartan
The camp breaks into two armies, the Trojan and Spartan Armies. We assign campers to each army and once you are a Trojan, or Spartan, you are forever a Trojan or Spartan. This legacy passes down to your sons as well. However, siblings may be assigned to separate armies. Each army has veteran staff named as Generals, whose mission it is to lead their army to victory. Campers and staff participate in a variety of events, from archery, and shuffleboard to basketball and volleyball. Points are awarded after an activity is won and the army with the most points after the end of the two and a half days wins. Generals of the defeated army take an honorary jump off the high dive.